National Cheng Kung University adalah kampus nasional yang letaknya di kota Tainan, yang merupakan kota tertua di Taiwan dan juga ibu kota Taiwan yang pertama sebelum akhirnya dipindah di kota Taipei. Tidak heran jika Tainan disebut juga sebagai kota sejarah karena banyak sekali bangunan bersejarah dan makanan legendaris yang saat ini menjadi alasan untuk berkunjung ke kota ini. Dari segi geografis, kota Tainan mempunyai cuaca yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan Indonesia, jadi sangat mempermudah mahasiswa Indonesia untuk beradaptasi tinggal disini. Banyak sekali kelebihan yang ditawarkan jika menempuh pendidikan di NCKU, antara lain beasiswa full selama studi, biaya hidup murah (makanan dan akomodasi diluar asrama), dan tempat beribadah yang juga dekat dengan lokasi kampus. NCKU mempunyai 11 fakultas, yang terdiri dari:
College of Liberal Arts
- Department of Chinese Literature
- Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
- Department of History
- Department of Taiwanese Literature
- Institute of Art
- Institute of Archaeology
- Master Academic Program in Drama
- Chinese Language Center
- Foreign Language Center
- Center for Multi-cultural Studies
College of Science
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Physics
- Department of Earth Sciences
- Departmment of Photonics
- Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences
- Center for Theoretical Sciences
- Department of Accountancy
- Department of Statistics
- Department of Industrial and Information Management
Institute of Information Management - Department of Transportation and Communication Management Science
- Department of Business Administration
- Institute of International Business
- Institute of Data Science
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Resources Engineering
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering
- Department of Engineering Science
- Department of System and Naval Mechatronic Engineering
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Department of Geomatics
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Department of Environmental Engineering
- Institute of Ocean Technology and Marine Affairs
- Institute of Civil Aviation
- International Bachelor Degree Program on Energy
- International Curriculum for Advanced Materials Program
- Engineering Management Graduate Program
- International Master Program on Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management
- Institute of International Medical Device Innovation
- International Master Program on Intelligent Manufacturing
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
- Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems
- Institute of Microelectronics
- Institute of Computer & Communication Engineering
- Institute of Medical Informatics
- Master Degree Program on Nano-Integrated-Circuit Engineering
- Department of Political Science
- Department of Economics
- Department of Law
- Department of Psychology
- Institute of Education
- Mind Research and Image Center
- Department of Architecture
- Department of Urban Planning
- Department of Industrial Design
- Institute of Creative Industries Design
- Master Program on Techno Art
- Department of Life Sciences
- Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences
- Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology
- NCKU-AS Graduate Program in Translational Agricultural Sciences
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Microbiology and Immunology
- Department of Pharmacology
- Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
- Department of Medical Humanities and Social Medicine
- Department of Parasitology
- Department of Public Health
- Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
- Department of Forensic Medicine.
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Obstetrics Gynecology
- Department of Orthopaedics
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Department of Otolaryngology
- Department of Geriatric Medicine
- Department of Dermatology
- Department of Urology
- Department of Anesthesiology
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Department of Diagnostic Radiology
- Department of Nuclear Medicine
- Department of Family Medicine
- Department of Emergency Medicine
- Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Department of Nursing
- Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology
- Department of Dentistry
- Department of Physical Therapy
- Department of Occupational Therapy
- School of Pharmacy
- Institute of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
- Institute of Behavioral Medicine
- Institute of Clinical Medicine
- Institute of Molecular Medicine
- Institute of Oral Medicine
- Institute of Allied Health Sciences
- Institute of Gerontology
- Department of Food Safety / Hygiene and Risk Management
Daftar Beasiswa
Daftar beasiswa kampus dan pemerintah untuk program umum dan khusus :
- Beasiswa kampus
- NCKU Distinguished International Student, adalah beasiswa yang disediakan oleh NCKU untuk mahasiswa internasional jenjang Bachelor, Master, dan PhD dengan fasilitas yaitu pembebasan uang kuliah, dan uang saku bulanan. Untuk mahasiswa Bachelor besaran uang saku yang diterima tergantung rangking overall kelas dengan besaran 10.000 – 15.000 NTD perbulan, Master’s : up to 8000 NTD, PhD uang saku bulanan : 12.000 NTD.
- Veritas et Conscientia Scholarship (VCS), adalah beasiswa elite NCKU yang hanya diberikan kepada mahasiswa PhD terpilih dengan besaran 30.000 NTD perbulan dan bebas biaya kuliah.
2. Beasiswa Pemerintah dan Instansi
Ada banyak sekali jenis beasiswa dari berbagai jenjang dan syarat yang berbeda yang disediakan untuk mahasiswa internasional NCKU. Berikut daftar beserta website resminya :
- Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE) Scholarship
- E.SUN Bank ASEAN scholarship
- NCKU Butterfly-ASEAN Scholarship
- NCKU-Sinopac Bank Scholarship
- The Chung Hwa Rotary Educational Foundation
- MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) (
- MOE (Ministry of Education) Scholarship (
- MOE ELITE (Ministry of Education ELITE) Scholarship
- MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Scholarship (
- ICDF (International Cooperation and Development Fund) Scholarship. (
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